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Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics

Many students are used to writing essays on the topics which are assigned by their instructors. It does not require any efforts since choosing good persuasive essay topics can take a lot of time. Regardless of how good persuasive speech topics assigned by the instructor are, the students are unable to reject them even if they are poorly knowledgeable about the topic they will have to deal with. Although students can write an essay on any topic which is relevant to the field of their studies, they rarely avail themselves of this opportunity.


Argumentative and persuasive essay writing are often mixed up by people. To clear things up, in an argumentative essay you need to present the main point, thesis statement, and defend it throughout your essay. A persuasive essay proves an author’s viewpoint to the readers. The task of the writer is to make readers adopt the author’s stance by the end of the paper.

Persuasive Essay Topics for College

  • What is better: to have siblings or to be the only child in the family?
  • The most magnificent season of the year.
  • Selling tickets at the football stadium is the most monotonous job ever.
  • Parents should not forbid their children to paint on their walls to make their bedroom more personal and display their individualities.
  • Befriending everybody around will enormously help you in the future.
  • Having the latest iPhone does not create our image; it is simply indicative of how affluent our parents are.
  • Every person must have a right to change his/her name without any obstacles in any period of their lifetime.
  • More affluent people must pay higher taxes to create the financial balance
  • What is the efficient way to prevent the potential mass shootings at the USA high schools?
  • What can older generation derive from the nowadays youth?
  • Censorship is of utmost importance in the digital world.

Persuasive Essay Topics on Educational Issues

  • Can video games prompt teens to use a weapon in educational establishments?
  • Students’ success in the physical education lessons influences their great point average.
  • Is it ethical to distribute kids with mental diseases in separate school classes?

Science Persuasive Essay Topics

  • The US Environmental Protection Agency does not work hard enough to improve the environment.
  • Humans are at fault for of the extinction of a range of rare species of animals &greenery.
  • The GM products put our lives in jeopardy.

Persuasive Essay Topics about Animals & Plants

  • Hunting is morally wrong in any circumstances.
  • Zoos do not help in wildlife conservation.
  • London Zoo is the biggest zoo worldwide which provides animals with the luxurious conditions.
  • Poaching has a negative effect on the economy, thus the government should take actions to change this situation.

Persuasive Essay Topics about Music

  • Pirating music puts the whole country’s economy at stake.
  • App Store charges too much for music, apps, game, and video downloads.
  • Different significances in songs prompt people to react to the music songs differently.
  • Music is one of the best therapies for the treatment of mental diseases.
  • Technologies influence music positively since people do not need to create bands and deliver music to.
  • Vietnam War epoch music rekindled further discussions on the groundbreaking & revolutionary methods of thinking.

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Sports Persuasive Essay Topics

The athletes must not consume alcohol at all.
It is dangerous to partake in the extreme activities for fun.
Women are better dancers and swimmers than most of the men.

Ideas for Debates

  • Human behavior stems from nature.
  • We should not ban modern TV or some of the shows – the Internet is the biggest danger to society
  • Do celebrities mock the right to privacy?
  • The gun control legislation has significantly more positive than negative effects.

Persuasive Essay Topics for College /School

Are you adherent of vegetarians or meat eaters?
Discussions of the main problems concerning Iraq & Afghanistan cause irritation and hostility.
Should the maniacs who murder people without reason be sued to death?
Discussing cheating is humiliating while discussing different sex issues is not bad.
Make use of the above-stated topics to get inspired and eventually opt for a topic which you are interested in.

Read about Management topics and choose yours.



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