Environmental ethics is the one that refers to the relationship existing between humans and the natural environment; it depicts a precise picture of the human beings’ dependence on the environment and vice versa. Religion, schooling, and culture are in union to describe such a kind of the relations between the nature and people. Earlier on, before the creation of refrigerators, humans used to conserve some of their food like fish, for instance, by smoking; apart from this, charcoal burners used to produce charcoal using wood. However, my culture has taught me against utilizing these methods as they are considered to have negative influence on the atmosphere (Ip, 2009). The modern ways of preserving food have been adopted, especially in case of fish and meat, which has greatly improved the surrounding we live in (Brennan & Lo, 2010).
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Furthermore, schooling has also formally illustrated the relationship of the two components by using an example of the greenhouse effects. In this case, the greenhouse gases absorb carbon (IV) oxide that if it is released into the atmosphere has disastrous impact on the ozone layer. This layer is very useful in safeguarding the universe against too much harmful UV rays from the sun. Carbon (II) oxide is yet another dangerous gas, which is a form of carbon (IV) oxide with restricted oxygen. The carbon results in a heating process in the atmosphere that makes the earth warm up extremely (Desjardins, 2013). The release of these gases into the atmosphere leads to the acid rain. The water that is fetched from it is harmful to the creatures of the ocean, can corrode iron sheets, and is also not suitable for human consumption. This water also lowers land productivity as it is believed to reduce fertility and eventually leads to food shortages.
Religion has made me value sea creatures as they are a part of the environment we live in; hence, too much fishing is viewed as having influence on the nature. There are some of the fishing methods that kill fish together with some sea creatures and do not let young fish grow to maturity.
Originating from an environmentally cautious family, I have come to realize that litter is an eyesore in the environment as it makes it untidy and leads to non-productivity of the wasty sections of the land. Garbage, in several areas of land, lacks proper disposal, and some part of it gets into the water bodies (Easton, 2009). After penetrating into the water, this sewage that is considered harmful poisons and kills sea and ocean creatures. It is recommended to always treat appropriately waste or sewage water before it is released into large rivers or water bodies. I have a personal dislike of litter as it makes the environment look ditry. The rules that my family has set have always guided us to avoid polluting the environment. This has always helped us to have a positive perception of the nature.
Deforestation is the cutting down of trees for various reasons well-known by the community. This also has influence on the cleanliness of the environment and the life of human beings. People may fell the trees to acquire timber for building houses and making furniture; they may also use them to produce charcoal. Forest encroachment encourages some other bad acts like planting bhang in it, and other activities that destroy the flora and fauna. As trees are attraction sites for rainfall, once human beings fell them down, there is a risk of a decrease in precipitation. Humans should consider such alternatives as re-afforestation and afforestation to save the environment.
Moreover, oil that is released into the water bodies as a result of the spillage caused by oil tankers covers the surface of the water, hence preventing oxygen flow from the atmosphere into it. This is dangerous as it may cause the death of the sea creatures due to the lack of oxygen. It can also lead to poor growth of food such as plankton for the sea creatures, so that the latter lack nourishment and die. Oil spillage can also be harmful to the land since it may interfere with the soil fertility, hence lowering food production, which, in its turn, affects human beings (Brennan & Lo, 2010).
All political speeches that have been made on the global health blame global warming that has been the major threat that needs immediate attention to reduce its environmental hazard. There is the risk of global warming that has been brought about by carbon dating that is used to establish the amount of greenhouse gases. On the one hand, it has economic influence on the state; on the other hand, however, it puts the earth at risk of the acidic rain (Rogers & Kostigen, 2007). A coverage of the court cases in the regard to the environmental ethics in the mass media does not have any value since the problems that have always been raised have not been dealt with. Despite the fact that the media has always played a key role in ensuring the conservation of the environment, they do not display the urgency required to deal with such problems.
I have made attempts to understand scientific reports and the forecasts, especially, when it comes to snow and stormy winters. The majority of theories have indicated that a lot of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere as higher temperatures lead to the melting of ice and snow at the peaks of the mountains and on the surface of the earth, and the rising of the ocean and sea levels. This increased heat also results in droughts, famines, and changes in the climatic conditions on the planet, eventually causing the extinction of both animals and plant species due to the disruptions in the ecosystem.
In some instances, the relationship that exists between rainfall, temperature, and other conditions could be linked to the global warming. However, some critics have considered this as a way of shifting focus from the reality. Almost everyone blames the global warming for the rapid alterations in temperatures. In the US, for example, global warming has turned into some kind of political litmus since individual’s ideas in regard to global warming are usually determined by the same individual’s political beliefs. Democrats and Republicans rely on the fact that the effects of global warming have already been experienced, and claim that it is caused more by human beings than by nature. Additionally, they state that it is taking place currently.
There have been efforts to ensure that human beings reduce the amount of carbon (IV) oxide. The governments have also made attempts to check on the Carbon Trading Credits. Most nations have tried to reduce the usage of fossil fuels; some states have also signed pacts to try and persuade their citizens to lower the consumption of the fossil fuels. However, third world countries have found it difficult to shift from using carbon fuel as it is readily available and cheap (Desjardins, 2013). Nevertheless, some of the sacrifices should be made in an effort to reduce global warming that affects the environment.
There exists a major distinction between forests and cultivated gardens, replenished forests and the virgin ones, and replaceable phenomena and the irreplaceable ones. Mining is a kind of the devastation of the environment; however, some people have always lived with the thought that there is no difference between the beavers who fell down the trees and destruction caused by human beings who carry out mining on a strip of land. Mining should be undertaken in a manner that does not leave the land in a bad state. Better ways of draining swamps and stagnating water should be devised as this land is useful and good for cultivation. Strict rules and regulations should be stipulated by the states to protect the nature from the encroach and poachers. This will curb poaching, hunting and gathering thereby maintaining the environmental diversity. Permits should be provided for anyone planning to fell down a tree (Easton, 2009).
We, human beings, can take control over what we do, unlike the beaver that does not recognize the damage it causes to the environment. Despite the benefit that mining has on the economy, it leads to destruction as it makes the land look rugged and causes soil erosion. Moreover, the clearance of trees and vegetation provides more open space for mining (Ip, 2009). Therefore, mining should be carried out in the least destructive ways possible in order to reduce the harmful effects that can be observed.
Draining of swamps is also useful to the economy as the reclaimed land can be cultivated. This will assist in providing enough food to the people, maintaining the environment and saving the humankind. Bonding with the environment is a crucial component of the human life. If a person takes care of the nature and shows the respect it deserves, the environment, in its turn, will enable the humankind to have the life full of enjoyment. It will pay back equally to what the people will give.
In order to live and thrive in the surrounding that has no threat of acid rain or any other harmful influence any time in the future, we ought to take care of it. I desire to live in the environment that is free from worries of whether the waste entering into rivers is treated before being released into them or not, since the same water is possibly being used by other people or my fellow human beings. The hoped for environment should also be free from harmful fumes and gases being ejected by industries in our communities. There should not be any litter around, poachers who destroy other living things and animals, and the food we eat should not contain any form of contamination, especially the fish in rivers. That will mean there should be no spillage of oil that drains into rivers and land. Such environment is comfortable for living in as each and every individual recognizes the beauty of existing in a serene and clean surrounding and is fully aware of the consequences that may befall in the case of being careless (Rogers & Kostigen, 2007).
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Code: super15In conclusion, one must realize that there is a need to raise awareness among the public on the issues that we are experiencing in regard to our environment, and, at the same time, impart the knowledge of its usefulness. The people should be informed on the dangers that can be caused if our environment is not maintained clean. Humans should also be aware of the effects of littering the nature. States ought to organize workshops and seminars to educate people; activists and policy makers should devise ways and write suggestions that will ensure safety and those that will aim at reducing poaching and forest encroachment by squatters, who leave their land behind to clear forest land for farming. There should also be alternatives for timber and charcoal in order to reduce felling of trees unnecessarily. Farmers should also be made aware of alternative farming and fishing methods. In this case, they must be taught the ways of avoiding over-cultivation, over-grazing, over-stocking, and over-fishing. Industries should also be cautious and ensure that all forms of harmful emissions and gases are filtered before being released into the atmosphere. If all these recommendations are adhered to, the environment will be a safe place to live and thrive since the relationship between the humankind and the environment will be saved.
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