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Violence against Women

Violence against females refers to offensive and violent actions that can be deemed as a hate crime against them. According to Gerstenfeld (2013), this type of violent behavior targets a special gender group as the initial motive for committing violence. Violent acts are committed against females due to the patriarchal gender structures. As the history of humankind has shown, violence against females manifests unequal relations between two genders and remains a key social mechanism by which every woman is forced into the state of subordinating in comparison with men.



According to Kilpatrick (2004), violence against girls and females is the main social and health challenge that brings negative mental and physical outcomes across the world. Ecological approach seeks to provide and consider measures and conditions at different levels, including society, community, family, and individuals. Socioeconomic, cultural, and biological factors increase the risk of women experiencing violence and men perpetrating it. The ecological framework helps to comprehend the interplay of situational and personal factors since they cause violence against women. Socialization leads to unequal relations between men and women.


The United Nations has recently recognized violence and rape as a weapon of war in the armed conflicts. Recent wars have been characterized by a shameful violent behavior against women using systematic rape as a cruel weapon. In the difficult time of war, disintegration of families makes every woman vulnerable to bullying and violence. Rape is regarded by many as an inevitable accompaniment of war and the result of durable sex deprivation of soldiers and their insufficient discipline. As a weapon of war, rape was gruesomely demonstrated during the Second World War when both sides committed rape terrorizing civilians and demoralizing enemy forces. . Poverty and upheaval increase the likelihood of violent attitude against women and tension within the families.


Government should enforce international laws and codes of a proper conduct while maintaining counseling and other necessary services. Raising society’s awareness on gender-based violence is crucial for durable prevention and stopping it. As people work toward preventing rape, bullying, and violence, they should address institutionalized discrimination of the communities and change individuals’ mindset toward women.


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