It may happen that, as soon as you have got used to IB stress, you are suddenly assigned an IB extended essay writing task. It may be tough to handle as the paper has 4,000 words on average, and it is definitely not easy to cope with. For a student who has lots of other academic workload, working on such a lengthy research paper may be an overwhelming task to handle. Therefore, if you need professional assistance with your extended essay, keep in mind that you can rely on our expert custom writing service. If you are reading this article now, be sure that you have come to the right place. Once you start cooperating with, you will never want to search for some other custom writing agencies. We have such a versatile team of writers that it does not matter what topic you need a paper. You can freely order your essay online regardless of whether you need to write an essay in Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Psychology, History, Business and Management, etc. Our company’s core value is to provide authentic papers that have plagiarism-free content, so be sure that your cooperation with will bring only rewarding results to you.
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The extended essay that is commonly abbreviated as EE is an inseparable part of the International Baccalaureate Program, which means that students who want to obtain their Bachelor’s diploma should definitely submit this paper. Extended essays can be assigned in any discipline – it actually depends on what major a student has. The underlying purpose of EE writing is to give students a chance to try out their research, analytical, and writing skills when it comes to exploring the topic of their interest. When they are working on their EE in depth, they are able to delve deeper into the topic in comparison with what they could have done within the realm of the curriculum. More so, they can obtain some new skills in this research process, and thus become more successful in writing their thesis papers or even dissertations.
When it comes to the question of organizing the writing process, students have to start working on their extended essays well beforehand. Specifically, it is recommended to start work on the EE in the middle of the first year of the Baccalaureate’s program, most probably in the second term. Working on an EE does not mean that a student will have to deal with the task on their own – they will need to cooperate with their academic supervisor, who will be there to give advice or recommendation and provide an honest feedback. All in all, the writing process may take up to one year of work.
It is crucial for an extended essay to be properly formatted. Logical, concise, and comprehensible formatting style is what helps a reader navigate through the paper and be attracted to it visually. Therefore, it is important to have a proper paper layout that corresponds to the required academic formatting and citation style. Since an extended essay belongs to the academic writing type, it should be written professionally and in a semi-formal style. Check out some of the main guidelines on EE formatting:
When it comes to extended essay writing, structure is essential as it greatly influences readers’ perception of the topic as well as helps to organize all ideas in a consistent and logical way. Besides, when it comes to providing the evidence and reviewing literature, it helps to do it in the clearest manner. If you want to submit a properly structured extended essay, be sure that you have to provide the following paper constituents:
1. Cover page.
2. Table of contents page.
3. Introductory section.
4. The main body of the essay.
5. The conclusive chapter.
6. A list of references or a bibliography.
As soon as a student has been assigned a topic or has chosen a topic on their own, it is essential to start thinking of the research question. When one formulates a research question in the wrong or unclear way, the whole writing and research process may turn into a nightmare. The research question actually decides what focus you will take, what perspectives of the topic you will investigate, and how you will organize the whole research process. When coming up with a research question, it is critical that the question is brief, concise, logical, and relevant to the area of studies and specifically to the assigned topic.
When questions are formulated, they can be classified into two categories: one category of them is aimed at providing a solution to the given problem, whereas the other category is aimed merely at in-depth investigation of the topic. When a research question aims at coming up with a solution in the end, it means that the research process will definitely use some experiments within the process.
When you are formulating research questions, please remember that they will sound different from the ordinary questions. Specifically, instead of starting a research question with “Is/ are…?”, “Will…?” or “Does…?”, it is advisable to formulate research questions starting with “To what extent…?”, “How far…?”, “An analysis of…”, etc. What is even more important, already on the stage when you are formulating the question, you have to double-check whether you will be able to answer it. Subsequently, you will have to find appropriate sources, investigate some specific perspectives, come up with relevant reviews and analyses, and so on. In case you have encountered troubles with answering, proving or disproving your research question, keep in mind that you should contact your academic supervisor for help in this case.
When you decide to cooperate with and order an IB extended essay from our company, you are guaranteed to enjoy the following benefits:
As soon as you contact our custom writing service for professional assistance, you can be rest assured that you will be assigned an experienced and professional writer. All writers on our team have solid experience in writing and research. Thus, you can fully trust our company with a paper of any academic complexity and on any topic.
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