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Questions-Answers: Strategic management cases

Chipolte Define the components of Chipotle’s business strategy. How should the analysis influence the strategic direction of the firm? In light of economic and competitive forces, do you think CMG’s sustainability practices add value or diminish potential for the company? The positive accomplishment domain depends significantly on the nature of strategy employed. Conferring to Ireland […]

Questions-Answers: Leadership in Higher Education

Question 1: How do the four frames for viewing colleges and universities (machine, family, jungle, and theater) facilitate leadership in higher education? The four frames facilitate leadership in higher education because they encompass the ability to embrace the core models of effective leadership in academics. First, the image of the machine acts as the metaphor […]

Questions-Answers: Franchise

Operating Standards: Does the Franchsor has every strict operating standards and a method by which adherence to these standards is mandated OR does the Franchisor have a more open “freedom within a framework” standards and allow their Franchisees the flexibility to make local operating decisions within specific guidelines to maximize the value of their individual […]