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Descartes and Gods Existence

In the Third Meditation, Rene Descartes presents his first proof regarding existence of God via the use of his self-awareness concept. He linked his thinking capability to being alive, and, therefore, thought that there existed a God Who has placed thoughts into his mind. Descartes’ pursuit of the truth led him to come up with […]

Christianity Religion

Christianity is one of the most spread out religions in the world. Some people argue that Christianity evolved from the mosaic laws that were found by Moses. However, this argument does not hold as the word Christianity originates from the word Christ. Christianity is, thus, traced back to the arrival of Jesus Christ in the […]

Christianity from the Jews’ Perspective

Christianity always aroused many questions, many complaints, discussions, and disputes. Some of them revealed the passionate followers of the religion, others – people, who cannot understand why it is needed or who proved that the life of many people would be better and fuller without Christianity. Judaism has also its own perception of Christianity. As […]

Bible, Quran & Interpretations

Schimmel, Professor of Education and Psychology at Boston’s Hebrew College, is a scientist, who has recently started criticizing fundamentalism. Having grown in the environment of Orthodox Judaism, he describes what he went through as a believer following this religion, from the way he started questioning its claims and truths until his eventual rejection of the […]

Are People on Earth Religious?

Religion consists of a complex of cultural systems, beliefs and worldviews, which relate human life and humanity to their spiritual being and moral values. Most of the existing religions have specific symbols, narratives or sacred stories, which try to explain the meaning of life and its origins. Religions derive human morality, ethics and lifestyle from […]