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Ethnic and Racial conflict

The analyzed video shows two Asian girls rapping about their culture and ethnicity. They aggressively emphasize that there is much more to their culture than some pop elements, such as kung fu and Asian-style tattoos. They set a clear distinction between being an Asian and just absorbing some cultural elements. Thus, this video emphasizes not only the concept of dual thinking, but also the idea of new Asian mentality, a different, modern form of being an Asian.


The dual method of thinking is clearly seen throughout the performance, as the women set a definite distinction between ‘them’, Asian Americans, and the rest of the world. This distinction is very clear and aggressive. The language, history and culture is being perceived as something that belongs only to this group and creates a common background for all Asian Americans. And even though the performers represent only a minority, they severely protect the commonness which exists in their minority group.

What is interesting, the performers unite all Asian Americans despite their origin, ethnicity, age etc. Even though the first time they referred only to women and the second time – to their age, in general such attitude is considered as unification in terms of belonging to the ‘Asian’ population of America. As it was already emphasized in Lowe’s article, such approach is a result of the duality of thinking. Thus, performers ignore a number of categories to which all Asian Americans could belong.

Finally, the performance has a strong emphasis on the new kind of an Asian person. The two female performers are totally differ from the traditional idea of a silent and modest oriental woman. At the same time, they state that being an Asian in the modern world is something different. Thus, the Asian American culture changes; its shape ethnicity is perceived and practiced in a completely new way. Still, there are uniting factors that lead to the formation of the group of Asian Americans and, thus, support the binary thinking patterns of the performers.

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