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Juvenile Offenders


This document briefly describes Juvenile Offenders and factors influencing them. It is also a list of types of juvenile delinquency and methods for controlling minor’s crime.

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Juvenile delinquency

Juvenile offenders are those who are under the age of eighteen commit illegal behavior which can be charged as a crime if they were adults. Every person undergoes a changeover phase from childhood into adulthood. Researches show that a crime committed by a person during teenage and adulthood has no proportionality. Juvenile delinquency is classified into three types; they are crimes committed by minors, criminal behaviors, and status offenses. These crimes are dealt with by either the Youth court or the criminal justice system.

Family environment and peers have great influence on creating and controlling juvenile offenders. Some of these factors include parent-child relationship; harsh punishment to the children; parental supervision, parents’ separation, criminal siblings or parents, and the way parents discipline their children. Children who are associated with antisocial peer groups have a high chance to commit the crime. The other key elements that affect minors in committing crimes are social disorganization, strain, differential association, and sex differences.

Individual psychological or behavioral factors can also be a reason for the criminal nature of children. Poor intelligence, low educational attainment, and low attachment to school are risky factors in creating juvenile offenders. Some of the evident risk factors that can potentially affect children are language delays or impairments, and poor emotional control. In the majority of cases, Juvenile offenders are diagnosed with different disorders, such as conduct disorder, antisocial personality disorder, mental disorder, and behavior disorder. Some of these disorders exist due to the birth defect, but most of them are developed due to influence from surroundings factors.

Delinquency prevention is all about preventing minors from all antisocial and criminal activities. As it was discussed in the above paragraphs, delinquency is caused by multiple factors; hence prevention of them requires detailed procedure. The most important among this procedure is education of youths and parents, family counseling, youth sheltering, and treatment. It helps in creating awareness to youth and parents about the consequences of Juvenile crime and assists them to manage their children better. The other important factor to be monitored and controlled is minor’s association with peers. This is because the association with peers who have a criminal background or behavior can highly influence them to do a crime.


The above paragraphs can be concluded with the following statements. The majority of the Juvenile delinquents are formed due to various factors that are around them, which can be controlled effectively with a little effort and monitoring. Better family environment and association of peers with good background can control a Juvenile delinquent to a great extent.


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