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Health and Medicine

Every institution has defined ethical rules that guide the stakeholders involved. Hospitals specifically have the responsibilities of ensuring that the norms of different cultures and social groups are met to enhance operational procedures. Clients usually prefer institutions that respect their cultural beliefs. The paper analyzes the problems associated with medical ethics, managerial ethics, professional ethics, and social responsibility at Graceland Memorial Hospital.

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Medical ethics requires that medical practitioners should take safety measures when handling communicable diseases. The example of Graceland Memorial Hospital shows that its workers are not subjected to any safety measures. The institution is merely planning to introduce the use of masks by medical personnel, for they are currently not being used; this shows a breach in medical requirements and ethics. Moreover, the introduction of masks in the hospital is also under threat, as the management is still undecided about whether to introduce them or not. There remains a controversy amid the management team about effectiveness of the items and their cost; until any decision is reached, the medics continue to suffer.

In addition, there is lack of autonomy in the hospital’s management system, which is a basic requirement for the management of any institution. The abovementioned example reveals that there exist misunderstandings among the management system, and the decision on the use of masks cannot be reached, as some members of the board think that their use has not been completely tested by surrounding medical facilities. There is also a breach in professional ethics, according to the case presented above. To be more specific, Graceland Memorial Hospital suggests that its medical employees should be trained by suppliers of mask equipment, which contradicts the policy of the institution, as its working procedures might not be implemented in the course of training to the full extent. In every institution, social responsibility stipulates that every employee has a role to perform in an independent system, which then leads to success of the overall system. The case study above shows that there is lack of clear responsibility for anyone; as a result, the decision on whether to adopt a new system of operation remains under threat.

In conclusion, ethical problems of Graceland Memorial Hospital include failure to provide medical practitioners with safety measures, lack of autonomy in decision making, and misunderstandings amid management. These problems can be solved through reorganization of management system and formulation of new policies that favor ethical policies.

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