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Organ donation means giving out an organ to another individual who is in need of it for the purposes of saving his/her own life. It is also called organ transplantation and is a widespread practice among many nations. The donation may be from a living human body or a dead human body. Surgical procedures are usually followed when removing the organ from the donor to the recipient.
Allotransplantation is important in determining the medical history of the donor and is different from xenotransplantation that involves transplanting organ of the same person from one part of the body to another.
The number of patients in need of organ transplantation in the United States of America is higher than the number of registered donors. This has caused a great shortage of organs, and one needs to find a solution in order to save lives. The problem of organ shortage has caused a gap and this has greatly affected the procedure of effecting proper organ transplant in order to save life.
This problem has been complicated by the fact that there is a legislation that allows a donor to refuse or permit the donation of the organ.
This essay will discuss the best option that the United States of America can employ to solve the organ shortage in the market. It will also analyze the extent of shortage of organ transplants to the many patients in need by looking at the best option that can positively impact the society. This essay will also look at the ineffective, unethical, and immoral aspects caused by the other various options of solving organ shortage.
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Code: super15I can recommend the United States to employ the presumed consent with an opt-out option. The opt-out method ensures that a decent solution is given to the organ shortage by ensuring that the relatives of the donor are excluded from the donation process. This has greatly increased the effectiveness of the method in solving organ shortage. No specific action is taken to the donor, which makes it an ethical and moral option. The option has seen the increase in the number of potential donors who have successfully used the opt-in system to get organs for transplant. This will help solve the organ shortage with minimal health risks exposed to the living patients. The presumed consent assumes that only those who have consented to the transplant are considered donors and that those who have not consented to the donation are not donors. The will of the donor is respected, and this will help increase the organ available for transplant and thus solve the shortage for the patients in the waiting list. The opt-out option makes it possible for the donor to have a total say on whether to donate or not. All those persons who refuse are considered not to be in the position to donate.
The other methods of coming up with the solution to organ shortage may not be appropriate due to their unethical and immoral nature. In addition, they may be seen as inconsistent with the requirements of the society. For instance, paying the live donors is not the best option since it is repugnant according to the national foundation of kidney donation. It is considered as an act that diminishes the dignity of a human being whether done through a force in the market, arbitrary or any other means. Therefore, the offering of money either directly or indirectly in exchange of human body parts or the human body is unethical.
Paying relatives of the dead is also not an appropriate solution to organ shortage since it is an indirect monetary compensation. Besides being immoral and unethical means of acquiring human body parts, it is also a risk mean of getting donors to give out organs. This method is prone to be misused by the public since so many criminal offences and controversies will be reported. Many deaths will be reported to be the results of murder with an intention to get money for the vital body organs. It is also unethical since it is done against the will and consent of the deceased.
The point system should not be allowed at all. This is because when an individual is required to sign a document that directs his or her organs to an individual in the waiting list, it only creates anxiety, but no immediate solution is offered to the patient. The patients are usually diagnosed for the transplant process shortly before the occurrence of the death. This is not only unethical and immoral, but it also puts the donor into risk. Furthermore, it is an ineffective option and will not give a solution.
Shortage of organ transplant is a problem that must be dealt with in an amicable manner to ensure that the lives of the patients in the list are saved. The methods employed should be ethical and moral enough, so that one should not harm the life of the donor while helping the patient. The shortage of organs to the patients will soon be solved if we employ the presumed consent with opt-out option. As a moral and ethical way of obtaining the organs, it will also increase the number of donors that are willing to offer organs.
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