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Cover letter tips

Anyone who has come across a job search is familiar with the problem of having to create a cover letter. There are general rules that are mandatory for all in the preparation of this document. The first thing the applicant thinks about is, “Is it necessary to write this text?” This question requires an affirmative answer. First and foremost, writing a cover letter implies adherence to the rules of good manners.
Second, the resume and the cover letter, complementing each other, perform different functions. The first document represents a specific pattern with the actual data of the job seeker; whereas the second one is made up in the form of a short text (two or three paragraphs) and being creative in nature, reveals the applicant as a personality. An important task that the author of the future text must solve is the understanding how to begin an essay.


Any communication process begins with a greeting. Starting the drafting of the cover letter, you should remember that you are addressing it to a specific person, HR Manager. Some online job portals indicate the name and surname of the employee who oversees your chosen job. Politely address him or her by name, using the usual forms of etiquette. If the site does not specify the name of the employee, you can call the company and find out the data you need. The main thing to remember is that you need to write the name of the institution correctly. The admitted inaccuracy in contacting the addressee can immediately turn into a loss of interest in your candidacy.

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The greeting is followed by the main part of the cover letter, in which you need to specify the name of the position you are interested in and the source of information about it (websites, print media, TV advertising, employment centers, information received from employees, etc.). Then explain what you find attractive in this job and this company.


Next, you should talk about your experience to endear your potential employer. To do this, focus on the positive aspects of your work history (basic skills, achievements at a previous job, implemented projects that contributed to the development of the company), trying not to repeat the information already stated in the resume. An obvious advantage will be the ability to address the recruiter to your personal site. Having familiarized with which, he or she will be able to estimate your professional level.

If you are at the beginning of your career and your work experience is still quite modest or completely absent, try to focus the attention of the personnel department on the most important results achieved by you in the studying process (internship, received certificates, participation in contests, conferences, creative works, etc.). Add a phrase about readiness to constantly improve your professional level in the process of working, improve your skills and knowledge in the chosen specialty.

Try to avoid negative feedback about your previous job in your paper, state only true information about yourself, and if there are facts in the CV that may cause the employer’s questions (for example, a long break in seniority, health status), it is better to discuss them at the interview.


In conclusion, the letter should express appreciation of the representatives of the company. In case of an invitation for an interview, you must leave your contact information. It is important to remember that the cover letter is one of the genres of business style, which must conform to the certain language rules. The presence of various kinds of errors (especially spelling) in the text of your cover letter is not permissible. To compose the text correctly, use dictionaries, reference books, and electronic resources.

In the process of finding a job, you may have to send a cover letter more than once. In order not to write it again each time, save the previously written text on your computer and use it at every opportunity, copying and making the necessary changes that correspond to the chosen vacancy. Now you know how to write a cover letter example properly.

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