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How to Write a Synthesis Essay

The analysis is the most important method of scientific comprehension of a literary work. However, the analytical division of the whole into components cannot be an end in itself. A work of art is a system in many respects similar to a living organism, and this means that it has the property of integrity, which is richer than the sum of the elements constituting the system.

The ultimate goal of considering a literary work is the knowledge of this particular aesthetic integrity. Only such knowledge is adequate to the very nature of art, which is a complete organism both in its structure and in the way it influences the reader. Thus, the analysis (the scientific examination of the work) appears to be an important, but still auxiliary stage of the work when writing a synthesis essay.


Tips for Writing a Synthesis Essay

What is a synthesis essay? A synthetic, undifferentiated impression of the work exists in our mind from the very beginning, representing the pre-scientific stage of mastering reality. The work of any scholar begins with the fact that he or she perceives the work simply as a reader. As a result of the direct impact of the aesthetic reality on the perceiving consciousness, the first impression of the work is formed, the first syncretic, not dismembered idea of the content of the work and its artistic originality. At this stage, perception is largely emotional and spontaneous. On the other hand, the first impression is the strongest one. Therefore, one of the tasks of scientific comprehension of a work is to preserve the sharpness and freshness of the first contact with an aesthetic object.

The analysis is the verification by objective methods of a subjective impression. In the process of the analysis, the initial understanding of the meaning and artistic uniqueness of the work is supported by textual and logical evidence, which turns it from a hypothesis into a concept. The analysis makes it possible at the end of work to come back to the synthesis, but at a new, qualitatively higher level. The integrity of the mastery of the work at this final stage is no longer the same as in its initial perception. It is based on evidence.

Synthesis Essay Writing Rules

What is the path of transition from analysis to synthesis? In the process of analysis, on the one hand, the selection of properties and qualities that are essential for a given work and the separation of nonessential ones takes place. The leading aesthetic principles of the construction create its integrity. At the same time, using the method of comparison (one of the most important, fundamental methods of analysis), you can write a good synthesis essay. On the other hand, in the process of analysis, increased attention is paid to those “trifles” of the text that can escape attention during the first reading. Expanding and deepening our understanding of the semantic and aesthetic aspects of the work, the analysis in this case also works on the idea of the unity of the artistic world.

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In the process of analysis, you should consider the elements of the content separately. Synthetic consideration of the work is designed to more closely link in our view the elements of form and content. It can be said that the object of synthetic consideration is not the form and content in themselves, but the phenomenon of the content form. In order for the analysis of the emotional-semantic side of the work to be convincing, it is necessary to refer to the evidence obtained from the analysis of formal elements, and vice versa, comprehending the art form in its integrity and unity is impossible without understanding of its content load. However, you should take into account the relative independence of the form and content of the text.



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